Is it illegal to use a VPN in the Philippines?

VPN is a widely used to secure your data by encrypting your internet connection. But have you heard that Philippines were using VPN for bypassing their Internet Service Provider and they're banking money from VPN.

But is it illegal to use a VPN?

This question is widely trends anywhere in the Philippine VPN Facebook Groups and forums but no one has the right answer to it. But now here in techzone we will try to solve that!

Under the Philippine law Republic Act. No. 10175 Chapter II Section 4 a-1 Illegal Access. and a-V Misuse of Devices which dictates illegal access of their network and the addition of misuse of your device to manipulate their service.

It is just like a gun, it is legal if you have license and use them right but it is illegal when you use it wrong. So, using a VPN to connect to the public internet is illegal, it is just like wire tapping.

Hope this helps you out. Thank you and have a great day!

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