How does bitcoin work?

Bitcoin is decentralized and exchanges are not controlled or regulated by the government or other authority.

Have you heard about bitcoin mining?
Bitcoin mining is the job of the computer graphic card to process the transaction from the bitcoin company to new bitcoin that will be created. All bitcoin transactions are processed by a large distributed computers running by a special software. So whenever a transaction occurs the network records the senders and receivers bitcoin addresses and the amount transferred and enters the information into the the end or record called a blockchain.

Blockchain is the producer or source of bitcoin transactions, any other websites you visit are only 3rd parties of blockchain.

Blockchain is running 24/7 to verify and validate the transactions made by the users and verification will be processed by the miners gig.

Once a computer successfully processed a block or transaction, it will be added to the blockchain and the system generates bitcoin that goes into the miners digital wallet as reward in mining bitcoin. 

Well, money isn't easy in mining. It takes a lot of power to generate enough bitcoin. Mining a bitcoin can be stressful when it comes to electric power. 

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